Panama Railroad

Sitemap of the Panama Rail Road :


Historical Overview (A brief history of Panama)
History of the Panama Railroad
William Henry Aspinwall
John Lloyd Stephens
George Muirson Totten
Ran Runnels

The Panama Railroad and the US Mail
The Panama Railroad and the Panama Canal
The Panama Canal Towing Locomotives
Map of the old Panama Railroad
Map of the relocated Panama Railroad
Map of the Panama Railroad upto Chagres (1851)
Map of Panama, highlighting Morgan's rampage
An Old Map of Panama
Another Old Map of Panama
Yet another Old Map of Panama.
Map of Mouth of The Chagres River and Castle of San Lorenzo circa 1762
Plan of Portobelo in 1601
Map of Caledonia Bay and New Edinburgh
Bellin's Map of Panama 1754
Bellin's Map of Panama 1756
Map of Panama
Map of the Canal Area
Picture Galleries

Amazing Facts
Journal of Army Life (1874)
The Panama Canal from a Car Window (1893)
The Panama Fever (1868)
From Aspinwall to Panama (1867)
A Gold Train (1852)
Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant  (1885)
What I saw on the West Coast of South and North America (1865)
The Isthmus and Panama (1876)
The Railroad to Aspinwall (1877)
A California Tramp (1859)
Mark Twain on the Panama Railroad (1868)
Ferdinand De Lesseps crosses the Isthmus (1879)
A Panama Riot (1856)
Four Years on the Pacific Coast(1861)
Tracking a Ghost from Coast to Coast(1991)








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